Thursday, August 27, 2020

Mushrooms in the Lawn

Mushrooms are the reproductive structures of naturally occurring soil fungi

    Many residents have contacted the Extension office concerned about a large number of mushrooms that have appeared in their lawns of recent. They have contacted the Extension office asking what can be done to get rid of the mushrooms and prevent them form appearing again. The answer is nothing. Mushrooms are the reproductive structures of fungi that are growing in the soil that feed on decomposing organic matter. They are everywhere though their mycelium, which are like stems and roots, are seldom visible. No chemicals will prevent their appearance. The fungi are nature doing its thing - decomposing organic material and returning nutrients to the soil. If they are bothersome, use a lawnmower to mow them down or hand pull. 
    Never eat any mushrooms found growing in the wild. While some are edible, they are hard to distinguish from the poisonous ones. 

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