Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Bradford pears are Nothing but Trouble

One of the most well-known flowering trees is the Bradford Pear. They have been planted extensively by homeowners and landscapers for their rapid growth, beautiful pyramidal form, white spring flowers, and colorful fall foliage. These trees have the ability to grow in all types of environmental conditions and are pest resistant.
Bradford Pears are beautiful trees with one serious flaw: they are very prone to limb breakage. The trees have a rapid growth rate, weak wood, and poor branch structure that becomes apparent when they are 10-20 years old. The angle of the Bradford Pears branches is quite narrow. As they increase in size, the tree begins to push itself apart. Large sections of the canopy will collapse under its weight or parts of the tree will break off as a result of wind, rain, or ice. The broken branches can potentially fall on someone’s house or car. Often, many older trees can be observed missing sections of
their limbs and trunk.

Bradford pear trees have branches that are prone to breaking 

   Another problem with Bradford pears is their invasive tendencies. The trees produce small fruits with viable seeds. Birds consume them and, along with the wind, disperse them throughout the area. Many places, especially land that has been cleared in recent years, is covered with the trees. The invasive ones sometimes have thorns on them.
    Bradford pear blossoms, though beautiful, can have an offensive odor. As the tree sheds them, the faded blooms can cover sidewalks, patios and vehicles that can be rather hard to clean.
There are other types of flowering pear trees that do not have as a serious problem of limb breakage. Examples include ‘Aristocrat,’ Chanticleer,Select,’ or Stonehill. One disadvantage to the alternative varieties is that some are susceptible to a bacterial disease called fire blight, which causes the ends of the stems and leaves to turn black, become crisp, and curl. There is also a wide variety of other attractive and durable trees for the landscape. For fast-growing alternatives, consider using Chinese Pistache (Pistacia chinensis) or Japanese Zelkova (Zelkova serrulata) since both are sturdy, can grow in difficult situations, are pest resistant and have excellent fall color. For spring flowering trees, consider using alternatives like crabapples, serviceberries (Amelanchier) or Fringe Trees (Chionanthus). Some of these trees also produce ornamental fruit and can grow 20-40 feet in height. The Crabapple variety Callaway’ can tolerate the intense heat and dryness of summers in Georgia. Two types of Fringe Tree are available: the American Fringe Tree has a growth giving it an informal look while the Chinese Fringe Tree grows a more compact canopy. Both of these trees have glossy leaves like the Bradford Pear.
The excessive use of the Bradford Pear has taught us a valuable lesson.
Growing and observing them in a variety of environmental conditions has helped us to understand the obvious disadvantages of a tree that at first leaves an impression of beauty.
In addition to having poor branch structure, Bradford pears
also have invasive tendencies. (Photograph by Timothy Daly)

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